Monday 4 May 2009

Design for Rich Media Brief

Date Set: 25th March 2009
Date Due: 26h May 2009

* Develop an experimental approach to new and emergent media. What is new?
* Explore communication strategies for new and emergent media. HOT & COLD Media
* Learn about the application of new and emergent technologies. Experience it, learn it!
* Keep an ongoing record of my explorations and developments in the form of this blog. What you are seeing here!! My experiences of ideas!


Use a typology (series of images) to create a series of photographs or video outcomes in response to one of the following:

Tree - Shape

Hair - Suite
Flow - Course
Coat - Finish

My eventual choice will form the basis for a manual or series of instructions entitled "How to.........? (See HOT & COLD Media section)

After researching the meanings and definitions of each word (see Further Investigation section below) i have decided to use Flow-Course for my Rich Media Project.


The action of fact of flowing; movement in a current or stream; an instance or mode of this.
In modern use to descibe the flow of all fluids, as air or electricity.
To pass along the vessels of the body; to circulate. A journey.
Of a person: To pour out one's feelings.

To pursue, persucute, worry, trouble or hunt.
To chase or drive with blows.
To turn over in one's mind.
To steer or direct one's course, to take or pursue a particular course.
To run or move swiftly over or along.


When i think of these 2 words i think of the flow of life, a journey. How each decision we make affects our course in life. At some points we have to make decisions, we reach a cross-roads and have to decide which turning we make. Will it be the right decision or the wrong one? The right choice is never always easy or correct. I have faced many challenges and obstacles in life which have shaped and moulded me into the person i am today. I will be the first to admit that some of the courses i've choosen have not always been correct but i don't regret any of them.

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