Tuesday 26 May 2009

Idea Creation. Presentation

A DVD could be considered as one of the best ways to illustrate HOT & COLD media. You have to interact with it to make it work but most of all it's a medium soon to be out of date. New technologies are constantly emerging that will make it a dead medium. With this in mind it can be considered as something that can never be altered and the contents on the disc can never be changed. It will last forever in time!

As part of the original brief we were asked to demonstrate How to.....? (see Introduction to Designing for Interaction: RICH MEDIA section further on in the blog). This is how we interact with the final piece of work. Do we push buttons or do we move handles to open it. How do we feel when we view the end product? Obviously taking this into account i decided that due to the nature of my final film clip i wanted to present it as large projection. This form of presentation is probably the best way to illustrate the final film. You could imagine sitting in a large, dark room bombarded by this visual feast of sound and images. So with this in mind i decided to put my final piece onto a DVD. Pop the disc in to a DVD player, press the PLAY button, double click the LIFE icon on the Home screen and off you go. Enjoy!

Created in InDesign, this is how the final design for the DVD sleeve looked. On the back of the sleeve there is a description of the How to.....? part of the original Rich Media Brief. Also included on the back is my BLOG address.

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