Tuesday 26 May 2009

Idea Creation. The End Result

The great thing about iMovie is it's overall simplicity to edit and add sound to a video or project. My original idea to create two short films for the "flow - course" project was re-evaluated after i showed one of the rough films to my tutor Nigel. This fast-paced, vibrant, intense visual illustrated the "flow - course" theme really well. This video was put together from footage of me driving along motorways, main roads and other areas where there was a large amount of moving traffic. This was then imported into iMovie and edited to fit around the song "New Dawn Fades" by Moby (one of my two choices for music to accompany to final film clip), so the length of the film had to match the length of the song to work successfully. Each desired frame of the imported footage was sped up to full capacity to intensify the overall flow of the film.

Each frame was deliberately cut to fit with certain breaks and beats within the song. Gaps in the song were replaced with blank black sections and when the song would start again or a heavy beat would come in the film would start again. Over the heavy guitar sections in the song i used a multiple frame to show intensity. Over the vocals i took the film back to normal.

Throughout the entire film i used a widescreen theme to add a more claustrophobic atmosphere and keep continuity. Within all the clips i took away the colour and intensified the contrast and brightness. This was done to confuse the viewer in some way. You know what you're looking at for a second but all of a sudden it becomes unrecognisable as you are blinded with the brightness and flickering of the images. It is like a journey of the senses. The intensity is almost unbearable.

The film itself lasts just over 5 minutes in total.

Idea on how to present is another story..............

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