Tuesday 26 May 2009

First Year Over.............


Rich Media Project done, dusted & handed in!!

So here we are, first year of the HND completed. It has been such an amazing experience with some truly inspirational and cool people.

Hope to see everyone in September for HND Year 2! Have a good summer guys, see you in July for the End of Year Exhibition and thanks for eveything!

Big shout goes out to my tutors, you know who you are!! Without your encouragement and guidance i couldn't have got through this first year!! Thanks so much!!

Idea Creation. Presentation

A DVD could be considered as one of the best ways to illustrate HOT & COLD media. You have to interact with it to make it work but most of all it's a medium soon to be out of date. New technologies are constantly emerging that will make it a dead medium. With this in mind it can be considered as something that can never be altered and the contents on the disc can never be changed. It will last forever in time!

As part of the original brief we were asked to demonstrate How to.....? (see Introduction to Designing for Interaction: RICH MEDIA section further on in the blog). This is how we interact with the final piece of work. Do we push buttons or do we move handles to open it. How do we feel when we view the end product? Obviously taking this into account i decided that due to the nature of my final film clip i wanted to present it as large projection. This form of presentation is probably the best way to illustrate the final film. You could imagine sitting in a large, dark room bombarded by this visual feast of sound and images. So with this in mind i decided to put my final piece onto a DVD. Pop the disc in to a DVD player, press the PLAY button, double click the LIFE icon on the Home screen and off you go. Enjoy!

Created in InDesign, this is how the final design for the DVD sleeve looked. On the back of the sleeve there is a description of the How to.....? part of the original Rich Media Brief. Also included on the back is my BLOG address.

Idea Creation. The End Result

The great thing about iMovie is it's overall simplicity to edit and add sound to a video or project. My original idea to create two short films for the "flow - course" project was re-evaluated after i showed one of the rough films to my tutor Nigel. This fast-paced, vibrant, intense visual illustrated the "flow - course" theme really well. This video was put together from footage of me driving along motorways, main roads and other areas where there was a large amount of moving traffic. This was then imported into iMovie and edited to fit around the song "New Dawn Fades" by Moby (one of my two choices for music to accompany to final film clip), so the length of the film had to match the length of the song to work successfully. Each desired frame of the imported footage was sped up to full capacity to intensify the overall flow of the film.

Each frame was deliberately cut to fit with certain breaks and beats within the song. Gaps in the song were replaced with blank black sections and when the song would start again or a heavy beat would come in the film would start again. Over the heavy guitar sections in the song i used a multiple frame to show intensity. Over the vocals i took the film back to normal.

Throughout the entire film i used a widescreen theme to add a more claustrophobic atmosphere and keep continuity. Within all the clips i took away the colour and intensified the contrast and brightness. This was done to confuse the viewer in some way. You know what you're looking at for a second but all of a sudden it becomes unrecognisable as you are blinded with the brightness and flickering of the images. It is like a journey of the senses. The intensity is almost unbearable.

The film itself lasts just over 5 minutes in total.

Idea on how to present is another story..............

Thursday 21 May 2009

Idea Creation. Bringing My Idea to Life

With all the desired footage i began to edit it using iMovie. I had been thinking hard about which song/songs i could use to accompany the film and was instantly drawn towards two of Moby's tracks called "God Moving Over the Face of the Waters" which is an incredibly atmospheric song and "New Dawn Fades" (originally recorded by Joy Division) which is again a very atmospheric but also very hard-hitting, fast-paced track that suited the overall vision perfectly. Because of the amount of footage i had gathered i wanted to make two short films, one "road movie" (using "New Dawn Fades) and one thought provoking film using my "journey through life" idea (with "God Moving Over....").

Both of these songs are from one of my all time favourite films "HEAT" starring Al Pacino & Robert De Niro. Hugely inspirational.
(See below for clips from the film, including the song "New Dawn Fades" and "God Moving Over...." by Moby)

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Idea Creation. Filming

Once i had decided on my final idea and how i would like to present it i borrowed a Camcorder from College to capture some footage of cars in motion and roads. I decided to film from inside a car and record out through the widscreen as i was travelling along, with the the intention of speeding up the footage to create a fast paced, thoughtful, atmospheric short film. At this stage i wasn't quite sure if i should create just a single "road movie" or add other scenes, so on a trip to London i went out on the streets near King's Cross to film both traffic movement and people moving around at night.

In total i filmed over 2 hours worth of footage with the Camcorder in both night and day settings. With all this footage i had an idea to create a short film accompanied by music in iMovie HD.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Road Movies

These video clips are some of my favourite "Road Movies" that have inspired me in my Flow - Course project.

Further Idea Development for Flow - Course

I have been looking at developing my idea/ideas for Flow - Course by drawing out some very quick idea sheets on layout paper. Trying to both establish the idea and develop some sort of order.
As explained here before, i would like to follow the journey of life and the choices we make. I have had a look at some of my inspirational "Road movies" like Kalifornia, O' Brother, Where Art Thou, Duel and Once Upon A Time In The West to get some ideas on how to demonstrate it. (see above for video clips)
My first idea being that of an old American road movie. The view out of the windscreen as you drive down the long, straight roads of the American highways.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Introduction to Flash MX

Class Lecture by Paul Crawley

Aswell as learning how Dreamweaver works we also had an introduction to Flash. The difference between the two website design programmes varies slightly. Flash gives you the opportunity to create and use animation and action script (SWF files embedded in web pages). The other major advantage of using Flash is that when using type within your web pages it instantly embeds it and doesn't restrict you to a certain typeface (where Dreamweaver does and only has a standard set of typefaces to choose from), you can use any one you like and anyone who views the web page, even from all around the world can see it.
We were given a quick introduction into how to create basic layout, how to change our colour schemes and creating simple navigation "buttons" to move from one page to the next.

Introduction to Dreamweaver

Class Lecture by Nigel Aono-Billson

We had our first introduction to designing a website layout using the Dreamweaver programme and Photoshop. We learned how to create our homepage and how to insert simple images, it's contents and links to other locations and the general design techniques on how to create our websites. We learned how to create "Buttons" to navigate around the site and how to organise the files created in the correct and most efficient way.

Group Experiment into Stop Motion.

These short clips below were our first experiment using the Stop Motion technique (capturing images frame by frame). These clips were captured using camcorders and the programme "Stop Motion". In the Group Movie we even experimented with sound, adding a track to accompany the clip. The whole film was edited using "IMovie" on Apple Mac computers.

Monday 4 May 2009

Kraftwerk. The Robots Inspire

The class were lucky to have the chance to see and listen to Kraftwerk's ground-breaking music video "We are the Robots".

Their sound would inspire future groups like Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, New Order, Joy Division, The Human League and many more........

Amazing yet slightly weird way of reacting to the world's machine dependency at the time of being created. Made me feel slightly old too as i knew the song and most of the class didn't!! Oh to be young!

Design for Rich Media Brief

Date Set: 25th March 2009
Date Due: 26h May 2009

* Develop an experimental approach to new and emergent media. What is new?
* Explore communication strategies for new and emergent media. HOT & COLD Media
* Learn about the application of new and emergent technologies. Experience it, learn it!
* Keep an ongoing record of my explorations and developments in the form of this blog. What you are seeing here!! My experiences of ideas!


Use a typology (series of images) to create a series of photographs or video outcomes in response to one of the following:

Tree - Shape

Hair - Suite
Flow - Course
Coat - Finish

My eventual choice will form the basis for a manual or series of instructions entitled "How to.........? (See HOT & COLD Media section)

After researching the meanings and definitions of each word (see Further Investigation section below) i have decided to use Flow-Course for my Rich Media Project.


The action of fact of flowing; movement in a current or stream; an instance or mode of this.
In modern use to descibe the flow of all fluids, as air or electricity.
To pass along the vessels of the body; to circulate. A journey.
Of a person: To pour out one's feelings.

To pursue, persucute, worry, trouble or hunt.
To chase or drive with blows.
To turn over in one's mind.
To steer or direct one's course, to take or pursue a particular course.
To run or move swiftly over or along.


When i think of these 2 words i think of the flow of life, a journey. How each decision we make affects our course in life. At some points we have to make decisions, we reach a cross-roads and have to decide which turning we make. Will it be the right decision or the wrong one? The right choice is never always easy or correct. I have faced many challenges and obstacles in life which have shaped and moulded me into the person i am today. I will be the first to admit that some of the courses i've choosen have not always been correct but i don't regret any of them.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Experimental design for Main Header

The example shown here was an experiment into making sure that all settings and colours are correct when trying to create your own header for the internet or in this case a BLOG. On this particular occasion it was unsuccessful because i did not use both RGB (a combination of the primary colours red, green and blue used to create a broader range of colours) and web safe colours (used in designing web pages). Mistakes do happen and not entirely disastrous! What's called "the learning process".

Film Editing

"See It, Hear It, Feel It" The Power of Visual Images.

Since those magical moments when moving images were first captured on film we have been fascinated and intrigued. It has given us the opportunity to see the world in a whole new way.
As time has passed we have experienced a revolution in film. From black & white to colour. From silent movies to modern day "opera's of sound" and vision.
As part of the Rich Media Project we have looked at many influential people that have used the magic of Film Editing to create some truly memorable pieces in the world of Film, Music Video's and Advertising.
During our lesson on Film Editing we looked at some of those influential people, including Saul Bass, Jonathan Glazer, Michel Gondry and Godfrey Reggio.

Flow & Course. Inspirational Film Editing

Godfrey Reggio

Godfrey Reggio is most known for his Qatsi trilogy, which includes the films Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, and Naqoyqatsi. All of the film titles are taken from the Hopi language; Koyaanisquatsi meaning "life out of balance," Powaqqatsi meaning "life in transformation," and Naqoyqatsi meaning "life as war." In 1995 he directed the short feature entitled Evidence that featured, like the Qatsi Trilogy, a soundtrack composed by his friend Philip Glass.

The film trailer for Koyaanisquatsi (see clip below) shows elements of this "opera of sound". The film itself gives the impression of the city coming alive. The pace of life and the way we all move around in it at high speed (footage filmed using time lapse and slow motion techniques) without any comprehension and regard for anyone else. Mundane and blank! We are like a machine, constantly moving. With the music it becomes almost hypnotic.

There are scenes of the city that show traffic speeded up. These images look like veins in the human body pushing the blood constantly around. Forcing the oxygen into every area of the body to help us function. This idea is something i would like to demonstrate somehow in my Flow & Course project. Using time lapse and music.

Saul Bass

Saul Bass is most famous for his direction in film opening title sequences, such as "The Big Country", "In Harms Way" and the 1960's motion picture "Grand Prix" starring Robert Wagner (see Youtube clips below). His use of both sound and images was revolutionary. He was able to create a huge amount of suspense by using short clips of film and using the camera to get in close to the subject he was filming and as in "Grand Prix" you as the viewer could almost feel each driver's breath on your face. The sound of their heartbeat racing throughout. He used multi screen shots and split screen shots to also bring you further into the subject. As in the film "In Harms Way" he used music and sounds to create atmosphere, beginning slowly and calmly steadily growing in pace and rhythm until the big finally image and noise. Very inspirational.

Inspirational Films

Wonderful piece of film making. Mixture of black & white frames and slow motion. Very atmospheric with a powerful soundtrack!

First film made in New York after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre. Beautiful opening sequence showing the 2 lights beaming into the sky where the buildings once stood. A very powerful piece of film making by Spike Lee. Thought-provoking look at New York post terror attacks.

Inspirational Film Editing. Continued.......

Saul Bass

Beautifully crafted, atmospheric and vibrant title sequence. Full of wide angled camera work, overlay of images and fast paced action accompanied by one of the most memorable film scores of all time.

Film Editing. "Visual Stimulation" Advertisements

Jonathan Glazer

Jonathan Glazer is one of the most exciting and influential directors of Music Video's and Advertisements of the modern era. Many people in the media industry have come to recognize his very distinctive and original style making him one of the most "in demand" directors of his generation. This has also taken him into the realms of feature length films, including the brutal gangster movie "Sexy Beast" (2000) starring Ray Winstone and Ben Kingsley which Glazer directed.

Included here are some of Glazer's most famous advertisements for Guiness and Levi's.

Film Editing. "The Power of Sound & Vision" Music Video's

Jonathan Glazer

As mentioned previously Glazer has directed some of the most original, inspiring and to some bizarre music video's, including those for some of my favourite artists such as Radiohead and Massive Attack.

Inspirational Music Video's

Sophie Muller

Directed by Muller, this music video for Blur's 1997 hit song Song 2 showed an original approach to the conventional "band playing instruments video".

Inspirational Music Video's. Continued........

Amazing moment of music video magic at 3 minutes, 28 second!

Thom Yorke's "near-death" experience!

Animation at it's finest!

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Introduction to Designing for Interaction


Class Lecture by Nigel Aono-Billson

Known as Multimedia and refers to various types of Digital Applications such as Web Media, Digital Media, Photography and modern day touch screen programmes. The word "Rich" is refered to as an opportunity to share and talk to each other, demonstrating and illustrating ideas and sharing each others thoughts on a variety of subjects. Another word often used in Media is "sticky" or Sticky Media. This means sticking to an idea, source or subject and experimenting with it to reach a final conclusion.


Blogs are a way we interact with each other. There are many social network "blog" based interfaces that we use in the modern world, such as Facebook, Flicker and Twitter. There is also a interface now called Second Life, which is a character based role play interface where you can interact with other members in a "cyber" world.


IDEO were a company that designed codes and software for computers. Two members of the company Bill Varplank, who was a theorist and Award-winning designer Bill Moggridge who worked closely together to create a key of defining how we Design for Interaction. There are three very simple questions that must be answered:

How do you do?
How do we interact we something? A Gallery space, Audio Visual. How to play a small device such as mobile phones or MP3 players for example and push "Buttons". How do we affect the world around us?

How do you feel?

How do we feel about what we see or interact with?

How do you know?

Do we need something to guide us through like a map or a route? Moment to moment. Simple instructions on how we navigate.


COLD Media

Is it HOT or COLD? T.V's and computer screens are generally considered to be COOL media. T.V's need power and support for them to function. They are "Fuzzy"! You cannot grab it and it is impossible to touch the fuzzy images that appear in front of you. They need a certain amount of stimulation. Response to a thought. Causel Affect. Send something out there and you get something back! So generally things we interact with are considered COLD.

HOT Media

A book or a gravestone is considered to be HOT media. They are distinct and you can't edit it. You cannot change the original, it's set. A photograph is also hot. It's a moment in time captured and cannot be change. The same applies to newspapers. The stories that are written are something that is "set in stone". Of the moment, never to be repeated!

At the end of the day everything comes back to HOT and COLD media. Design for people interacting on the world where we live. Do we use Handles or Buttons to do this? With Handles we manipulate the world, with Buttons we interact. We need to design emergency routes for the users. Maps to show and hold in the users head. A Blog is both cool and hot. The information is cool, the fundamental is hot.