Wednesday 1 September 2010

YCN Student Awards 2010. British Music Experience Design Brief

British Music Experience "Icons" Official Poster

British Music Experience "Icons" Poster Presentations

British Music Experience "Map of Music" Official Poster

British Music Experience "Map of Music" Interactive Design

Monday 12 April 2010

D & AD Student Awards 2010. Orion Book Cover Design Brief

"Ann Veronica" Book Jacket Design

"Ann Veronica" Hardback Design

"The History of Mr Polly" Book Jacket Design

"The History of Mr Polly" Hardback Design

Monday 9 November 2009

Trace Typeface

Global Record Sales & Territories Mapping Project 2009

These two poster presentations display the record sales of the biggest selling artists and their origins throughout the world. (Based on record sales up to 2009)